Bais Yaakov Journal Issue 114 (1934)

  • Dr. Nathan Birnbaum’s article for Passover, “The Salvation – the Holiday Passover”, discusses different commentaries on the mitzvah “And you shall tell your son” and compares being in the diaspora–gales–today and then (in Egypt)
  • Yaakov Landau’s essay for Passover, “God, Wonder, and History”, argues that the heart of the night is to tell the history of the Jewish people; he focuses on the four sons, particularly the evil and wise ones
  • Alter Schnur, “Collection of Pearls”, this column dedicated to Passover
  • “Songs from the Haggadah” by Dr. Shlomo Birnbaum presents folksongs that are based on the Hebrew songs in the Haggadah, for instance a Yiddish version of “Who Knows One?”
  • Poems by Israel Emiat titled “Five Generations”, by Elimelekh Shteyer, and by Eliezer Schindler titled “The Way” describing a long and hard road, but we must go on. An excerpt from a book by Moshe Mark titled “On the Way, in Israel”, describing his last night in Jerusalem before departing for the port in Haifa to travel back to Europe after six weeks in the Land of Israel, during which he felt almost drunk with excitement and ecstasy
  • An essay by Elizur Ben Shdieur titled “They Pondered”, and published in the “Bnos Pages”, about the new generation of Bnos members, who are the answer to everything wrong with their European counterparts
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