
Undzer Gyzang: Lider far Bais Yaakov shuln, Basya Farbands, un Bnos Agudath Israel organizatsiyes [Our Song: Songs for Bais Yaakov schools, Basya Unions, and Bnos Agudath Israel organizations] was published by the Bais Yaakov Press in 1931. The songbook is a stapled pamphlet of seven pages, with lyrics and music for four songs: “Bais Yaakov gezang,” “Basya lid,” “Antikelekh,” and “Bnos Hymn.”
Basya Schechter is working on a project to arrange and record these songs. Below are images of the pamphlet’s songs along with performances of the songs led by Basya, as well as recording of songs gathered from other texts. Basya and her choir (in various iterations) performed as accompaniment to Naomi Seidman’s lectures at University of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, and again at YIVO on March 24, 2019.
Bais Yaakov Lid

Bnos Anthem

Dos Basya Lid
