Bais Yaakov Journal Issue 120 (1934)

  • An opinion article by Rachel Bat Tovim titled “Give us an Estate” uses the biblical story of the daughters of Zelophehad to argue that Bnos members deserve their fair share of the certificates that the Agudath Israel is distributing for immigration to the Land of Israel
  • Poems by Eliezer Schindler and Elimelekh Shteyer. A scene from a play titled “In the House” by Israel Emiat. A short story for children by H. Schwab titled “A Children’s Story for Hanukkah”, and a short story by C. Rabinowitz titled “Her Hope” on a woman named Mirel, a new bride, whose hopes are shattered because her husband is not Orthodox enough, and has no interest in studying Torah or Judaism
  • Six short pieces by Dr. Shlomo Birnbaum: on Albert Einstein as a “captured infant”; on Thomas Mann, who is married to a Jewish woman, but claims that the answer to the Jewish problem is assimilation; and on Jews in Nuremberg who cannot go to synagogue wearing their prayer shawls because of the rise of antisemitism 
  • Heshel Klepfish’s article about the death of the Baron Abraham Edmond Benjamin Rothschild 
  • M. K.’s review of Hillel Seidman’s recently published Polish book, “The Way of Rabbi Shapiro”


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