- An article by Rachel Bat-Tovim on the Bnos Conference as a historical event
- Eliezer Gershon Friedensohn’s editorial on the rescue project aiming to help Jews immigrate to the Land of Israel in light of current events
- Two articles about Hanukkah: Rabbi Dr. Yechiel Chai GBA”G “These Candles are Holy” on the Hanukkah candles, and B. Shdeor’s “The Spark That Will Never Be Extinguished”, which offers reflections on Hanukkah in response to the political and social situation of the time
- Poems by Israel Emiat. A short story titled “Dreams of the War”, translated into Yiddish by Esther Shoshana (the author is not mentioned), takes place in a Polish-Russian shtetl, and describes the observance of Hanukkah in a traditional family
- Dr. Isaac Breuer’s “Agudath Israel–Zionism–Socialism”, an excerpt from The New Kuzari, offers an ideological discussion in response to the time
- Rabbi Dr. Tuvia Levinstein’s “The Woman in Jewish Law” discusses halachic attitudes toward women and the role of women in Jewish courts
- Alter Schnur, “From Our Bookcase” (collected and translated by Schnur), presents a letter by Nachmanides from Acre, sent to his son in Catalonia