- In a political essay, Eliezer Gershon Friedensohn argues that Jews participated in the defense of Poland for the last 100 years and that every citizen must pay their debt by the 5th of May; in the upcoming war, where Poland will fight for peace, Jews as Polish citizens must fight alongside Poles
- Jacob Rosenheim’s “Women’s Fashion” presents the Jewish debate on female beauty of women– is it evil, or a gift from God? Rosenheim rails against the new fashion of short modern dresses and calls on the younger generation to fight for Jewishness and protect their modesty
- I. L. Gersht’s essay marks two years since the passing of Nathan Birnbaum and describes his philosophy and political stands on the Land of Israel and nationalism
- Poems by Eliezer Schindler (“A Song”), and Israel Emiat (“A Ship Between Seas”). Stories by Elimelekh Shteyer (“Captain Miguel Santo’s Laughter”, about a Jewish officer) and David Zaritzki (“R’ Leib’s Charity”; the ironic title refers to a moneylender and pawnbroker who exploits poor Jews)
- Rabbi Yishayah Reicher’s “Lag B’Omer” compares the two heroes of this holiday, Bar-Kokhva, and Rabbi Shimon, the latter of whom takes the superior path of spirit and mind over physical force
- “Bnos Pages” features Ella Shmulevitz’s “Organization” about Neshei Agudath Israel (continued in issue 157). and “From our Movement”, with short updates and reports on Bnos activities
- “A Word-List of Germanism-Yiddish” by Shlomo Birnbaum is a short dictionary-like list of Germanist words with their proper Yiddish alternatives