- Rabbi. Elchanan Wasserman’s article “The Footprints of the Messiah” is the first part of an article (which was never completed). In these hard times, when it is difficult to believe what is happening, going back to reading the Jewish texts give one answer: God will save the Jews, as long as they study Torah and have faith
- M. W. Niestempower’s essay about the difficult times ahead and the need to continue to educate the next generation in the way of Orthodox Judaism
- Short stories by Z. Shakhnovich (“Elijah the Prophet”), and Israel Emiat (“Understanding”, about Ignazi Turkowitz, a secular, heretical Jew who enjoyed conversing with Orthodox Jews, surprising them with his knowledge of Torah; but, reflecting on his past, he realizes that his son knows nothing about Judaism)
- Dr. Heshel Klepfish’s “A Letter from the Land of Israel” describes the work of Bnos and Bais Yaakov in Palestine
- An announcement for anyone who has a letter from Nathan Birnbaum to send it to Eliezer Schindler, who is preparing a collection of Birnbaum’s letters