Bais Yaakov Journal Issue 43 (1929)

  • Report on the successes and resolutions of the Second Bnos conference
  • Partial list of the delegates and where they came from
  • Official greetings from distinguished Agudah leaders
  • Photos of the event
  • Records of the major speeches
  • Minutes of the discussions and resolutions
  • Aside from resolutions involving the organization of Bnos, the conference also resolved to encourage the use solely of Yiddish in Bnos, and to adopt a Jewish style of dress.
  • An article comparing the three Jewish women’s conference that had taken place that summer, one (of the Frauenbund) in Hamburg, one (of the Zionist women’s organization WIZO) in Warsaw, and the Bnos conference, which was filled with the passionate and heymish character of Agudah women.

The Polish supplement, in accordance with the resolutions of the conference, was dropped as of this issue (although it was revived for a special issue on anti-Semitism in the following decade).

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