- Article about ongoing fundraising efforts for the Bnos movement, and a fundraising advertisement by the central office of Bnos Agudath Israel in Poland
- Entries from Sarah Schenirer’s diary
- Various texts for the holiday of Hanukkah: An article by R. Yehuda Leib Graubart, two poems by Eliezer Schindler and Ben Peles, a short story by M. Feigenbaum, and an article by Moshe Tzinovitz about women in the time of the Maccabees: Hannah, Yehudit, and Miriam, the last Maccabee
- The first chapter of Mesilat yesharim by R. Moshe Chaim Luzzatto translated into Yiddish by A. D. Friedman (continued in issues 49-59)
- Article by the director of a high school in Riga (continued from previous issues) on the role of the woman in Judaism (translated by Dr. M. Rosner)
- First part of “The Story of Yehudit”, translation into Yiddish of the Book of Judith (continued in issues 49-53)