- An article by Dr. Shlomo Birnbaum against the new modern “Maskilic” orthography, warning against assimilation and the adoption of foreign ideas. Includes an explanation of the new orthodox orthography in the last page of the issue
- An essay by Sarah Schenirer on the fundraising campaign for Bnos Agudas Israel
- Poems by Eliezer Schindler and Gershon Gura, and a historic tale about the daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Helevi, who married Rabbi Avraham Ibn-Ezra
- An essay on the importance of traditional Jewish education by Rabbi Avraham Eisenberg, and one on the important role of literature in education by Y. N. Kamenetz
- An essay by Shmuel Ostersetzer on the need for women to learn from the matriarchs how to find fulfillment by building a Jewish home