- Congratulations by Agudah leaders and editors of the Bais Yaakov Journal on the journal becoming biweekly. Signed by: Rabbi Jacob Rosenheim (President of the World Agudath Israel), Rabbi Shmuel David Laski, Yehuda Leib Orlean, Shmuel Rothstein, Dr. Benzion Fessler, and Wolf Jacobson.
- Alexander Zusha Friedmann expounds on the theme of Shmite (year of leaving land fallow and remitting debts observed every seven years) to discuss the Bais Yaakov Journal. After six years of hard work, should they rest this year? His answer is no; on the contrary, from now on they will publish every two weeks.
- An essay by Sarah Schenirer on the Torah portion “Vayehi”
- An essay by Shmuel Ostersetzer on the role of the woman in Jewish society (continued in issue 61-62)
- A translation by Sarah Schenirer from German of the novel “Rebecca”. The title in Yiddish is “A Jewish Woman’s Education”, and the first chapter is “The travel of the pedagogue” (continued in issues 61-63, 69, 73)
- Benjamin Mintz writes the story of Rabbi Meshel (Gelbstein) Kotzker, a Hasid of the Kotzker Rebbe who immigrated to Palestine in 1869, and appointed himself the guard of the Western Wall in Jerusalem (continued in issues 61-64).
- Poems and translations by Eliezer Schindler, and a short story by Gershon Gura