Bais Yaakov Journal Issue 65-66 (1931)

  • An obituary for Rabbi Eliyahu Kirshbraun (1882-1931), a leader in Agudath Israel
  • An essay by Sarah Schenirer on the Torah portion
  • Special section on the holiday of Purim: a photo album, an essay about the story of the Book of Esther by Shmuel Ostersetzer, a poem for the holiday and a play of the Megilah in five acts by Eliezer Schindler, an article by Rabbi Dr. Michael Ha’Cohen Z”L, and an article about a manuscript of the Book of Esther in the possession of the University of Basel. 
  • An essay by S. Rothstein on the importance of preserving traditional and Hassidic songs, recommending the formation of a committee, to which people could send songs collected from older family members, to document and preserve these songs
  • A comic story of a “women’s uprising” in Chelm by Ben Ish, a poem by Leib Feingold, and a folk tale from the time of Rabbi Isaac Luria
  • An article about Grace Aguilar (1816-1847), a writer who lived in London and wrote about Jewish life
  • An article on pedagogy by Yehuda Leib Orlean
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