- An essay by Sarah Schenirer about the Counting of the Omer
- News from Bais Yaakov: Eliezer Gershon Friedensohn reports on the celebration of a new building that will be built for students in the summer colony of Długosiodło and the Central Secretariat announces that two years after the Bnos conference in Lodz, they are now organizing a conference in Warsaw
- An article by Dr. Shlomo Birnbaum on Orthodox poetry and song (nigunim)
- A poem by Eliezer Schindler
- Two tales of women who sacrificed their lives for God: Malke de-France and Rebecca Morpurgo, by Benjamin Mintz
- An article by N. Shzupak about the Orthodox women’s movement Neshei Agudath Israel and the challenges it faces