- An essay by Sarah Schenirer calling for uniting the Bnos movement, with a fundraising advertisement
- A summary of the three-day Bnos conference in Warsaw: Speech by Reizl Roza, greetings from different members, a report from Chaya Rosenblum, discussions and debates, and a report from Sime Kluger on the resolutions published by the Central Committee of Bnos Agudath Israel
- An article by Yehuda Leib Orlean on the goals and activities of “Basya,” the youth movement for younger girls
- An essay by Esther Goldshtoff about the place of the woman in Jewish society
- An opinion article about immigration to Israel, the word “aliyah” and the Orthodox response to it
- A poem for the holiday Shavuot by Eliezer Schindler