Bais Yaakov Journal Issue 75-76 (1931)

  • Two essays for the High Holidays, one by Sarah Schenirer and the second by Dr. A. Cohen
  • An article about a Jewish community in India by Benjamin Mintz, part of a series of articles about Jews around the world
  • A short story by Shmuel Nadler called “Swastika”, and other short stories and poems by V. Leichter, Ish Levi, Eliezer Shindler, Itzhak Shapiro, B. Yavetz
  • An essay by Mordechai Knoblowitz about the philosopher Pascal and his theological approach
  • A fictional letter by Rochel Bat-Tovim to her friend Esther, praising her Yiddish and criticizing young girls in the movement “Bnos” for not being more invested in the needs of their community


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