- A survey which includes ten questions for the readers of the Bais Yaakov Journal
- An article by Eliezer Gershon Friedensohn about the efforts to bring back Yiddish into the Bais Yaakov schools and the youth movement Bnos
- Dr. Nathan Birnbaum’s translation of his book Im Dienste der Verheissung (In Service of the Promise) (continued in issues 77, 80, 81, 84, 87-88)
- An essay on the parsha of “Noah” by Sarah Schenirer
- An essay by Moshe Mark about H. N. Bialik’s visit to Poland. The writer criticizes Bialik for leaving the Orthodox way of life
- Poems and stories by Ish Levi, Shmuel Nadler, Eliezer Schindler, V. Leichter, Batshe Weiskol
- An essay by Dr. Moshe Asher, translated by A. I. Lipmanowitz, discusses God’s wonders as seen in nature