- A short text by Yaakov Landau about the holiday of Tu B’Shvat, from a forthcoming book
- An opinion essay by Eliezer Gershon Friedensohn about the need to fundraise for stipends for talented poor students to attend the teachers’ seminary and acquire a profession
- Sarah Schenirer on the week’s Torah portion
- An essay by Ish Levi about the importance of the youth movements, Tse’irei Agudath Israel and Bnos Agudath Israel, as the future of the community.
- A critique by I. L. Gersh of the new secular Yiddish literature.
- A poem by Esther Roza, and the continuation of a story by Yehuda Leib Orlean.
- A travelog by Eliezer Schindler describing his travels in Western Europe, from Bayern, Germany, to Belgium
- An article by Rachel Roza discussing the pedagogical approach in the schools of Bais Yaakov
- An article about Mahatma Gandhi by B. Yavetz