- A special triple Issue, celebrating the 20th anniversary of Agudas Israel and the 15th anniversary of Bais Yaakov
- Diary entries by Sarah Schenirer on the 15th anniversary of Bais Yaakov
- Essays by the Gerer Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, Rabbi Meir Shapira, Haim Israel Eiss, and Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Cohen on the anniversaries, celebrating the movement and the school
- Photographs of Rabbis and other important figures, and the Bais Yaakov building in Krakow
- Poems by Eliezer Schindler, Miriam Ulinover, A.I. Lipmanovich, Ish Levi, Dr. Benzion Fessler, and Alter Shnur. Short stories by L. Ze’ev, Moshe Mark, B. Sokolov, Elimelech Shteyer, L. Schiff, and Yechiel Feiner
- A historical sketch by Hillel Seidman on “The Golden Age of Lublin”
- An essay by Dr. Nathan Birnbaum, and one by Samuel Ostersetzer discussing Birnbaum’s work