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A congratulations notice is posted by Bais Yaakov of Siedlce for the marriage between Shimon Lieberman of Siedlce and Pesha Devorah Margenshtein from Sokolow. The notice also extends special congratulations to the groom’s father, R’ Yisrael Lima Hacohen Lieberman, who has been involved in supporting education.


Article Title: Mazal Tov Section
Published in: Unser Weg
Date: June 25, 1926
Language: Yiddish
Location: Siedlce
Summary: A congratulations notice is posted by Bais Yaakov of Siedlce for the marriage between Shimon Lieberman of Siedlce and Pesha Devorah Margenshtein from Sokolow. The notice also extends special congratulations to the groom’s father, R’ Yisrael Lima Hacohen Lieberman, who has been involved in supporting education.