Czernowitz Seminary Students

This photo of the Seminary students of Czernowitz was taken a year or two before the outbreak of World War Two. Sara Seidman is in the top row, left; her cousin, Surie Adler, who lived in Vienna, is in the top row, third from left. Sara Seidman remembers the girl with glasses in the right of the photo, who had night blindness; they would walk arm in arm in the evenings through the city. The girl below her was from Italy and had an educated father who did research in the Vatican Library.


Identifier: SAS1938.002
Photo Title: Czernowitz Seminary Students
Date: 1938 – 1939
Geographic Location: Czernowitz, Romania
Archive: Courtesy of Sara Abraham Seidman
Summary: Seminary students of Czernowitz a year or two before the outbreak of World War Two