- Yehuda Leib Orlean’s article contrasts the characteristics of Jewish leaders and non-Jewish leaders, taking Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakai as an example
- Poems by Dr. Ben Zion Fessler (“Around You”), and Yehudit Stein (“The World is Big”), and a translation of Judah Halevi’s “My Heart is in the East”. Three short stories by Israel Emiat
- Dr. Nathan Birnbaum’s “Messiah Must Come” describes his interest in the idea of the Messiah after returning to Judaism
- Gedalyah Bublik’s article “Jerusalem–The City of Holiness and Eternity” on Jerusalem’s Jewish history and present, and the uniqueness of the Jewish people, Israel, and Jerusalem
- I. L. Gersht’s “Free Spirit and Lack of Spirit” discusses European conceptions of freedom of thought in contrast with religious belief
- Alter Schnur’s “The Poet, the Orphan” recounts Rabbi Solomon ibn Gabirol’s life and work
- In “Bnos Pages”, “Light and Shadow” presents the state of the Bnos movement now: Although there is a feeling of “quiet” work, the movement–now a world movement–is very active, with members committed to studying Torah, to the Yiddish language, and to Orthodox values