Reading the Archives


When Bais Yaakov Girls Were Movie Stars

On February 22, 1933, the Yiddish daily Hayntige nayes published a news report with the eye-catching title: “The Agudah Is Making Its Own Films: It aims to turn Bnos-Yaakov girls into movie stars.” As the

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In the Birnbaum Archives

The great scholar and historian Yosef Hayyim Yerushalmi once wrote: History is the faith of fallen Jews. But what of Jews who are not fallen? Have they no need for history? Might history be a

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From Sister to Sister: #1

SHIDDUCHIM LETTERS This is the first installment of a column from The Bais Yaakov Journal called “From Sister to Sister,” translated from the Yiddish by Sandra Chiritescu.  “Shidduch Letters” appeared in issues 78 and 79

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Was Bais Yaakov a Feminist Movement?

In 1934, the Agudah secured the right to distribute a share of certificates for immigration to Palestine, from Zionist organizations that had previously controlled them. But the certificates were precious and competition for them was

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Report Card Revelations

What can a few simple report cards tell us about Bais Yaakov schools? A lot, actually. One of the purposes of the Bais Yaakov Project website is to foster scholarship of the Bais Yaakov movement

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Book Release

The book that helped inspire this website: Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition, by Naomi Seidman, is available for purchase here. Use the discount code in the

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The World of Sarah Schenirer: 1

Sarah Schenirer’s 1935 death was accompanied  not only by an outpouring of grief, but also by a burst of literary activity, commemorating her life and work. Much of this material appeared in the Bais Yaakov

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Acting Like Bais Yaakov Girls

Bais Yaakov girls in Kolbuszowa performing in a Purim play. Bais Yaakov students perform in a play called ‘Joseph and His Brothers.’ Among the hundreds of oral histories collected by the Spielberg Shoah Foundation are

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Book Talk, Concert, Website Demo

We’re going live on March 24, 2019! Join us for a lecture by Naomi Seidman, a choir led by Basya Schechter, and a demo of the Bais Yaakov Project website. More information and tickets here.

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